Secular Franciscan Order - Flagstaff AZ
The Secular Franciscan Order was established by St. Francis of Assisi more than 800 years ago. Our purpose is to bring the Gospel to life where we live and where we work. We look for ways to embrace the Gospel in our lives and try to help others to do likewise.
We are a world-wide community of Catholic men and women who seek to pattern our lives after Jesus, in the spirit of St. Francis. Those who are professed Secular Franciscans have made a life-long commitment to live the Gospel life, bringing life to Gospel and Gospel to life.
We are wives, husbands, single people, teachers, construction workers, cashiers, nurses, professors, politicians, retired people, volunteers, poor, wealthy, homeless - from all walks of life. We live normal lives with our families - we go to movies, cook, own houses, have money, and enjoy life in the real world. But our lives take on the Gospel message. We infuse our communities with the Gospel message, through the way that we live our lives.

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Clare of Assisi
Secular Franciscans belong to small, local groups called fraternities which provide support to the individual members. Fraternities usually meet on a monthly basis. These monthly gatherings involve prayer, fraternitas (where we eat together and socialize), ongoing formation (where we expand our knowledge and discuss ways to apply Franciscan principles within our lives), and a short business meeting. Anyone who is interested in learning more about becoming a Secular Franciscan is welcome at our gatherings. We encourage attendance at several gatherings and, if interested in continuing the process, getting started on the formation process. Formation is a time to study the Franciscan charism and determine if a commitment to this way of life is a fit. The patron of the local Secular Franciscan fraternity in Flagstaff is Blessed Franz Jägerstätter.